lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018


És realment Gabriel Agrest Lepidoptero????
Is Gabriel Agrest the real Hawk Moth????

Hi ha teoríes que diuen que Gabriel Agrest és Lepidoptero,hi ha teoríes que diuen que no ho és.Un lío patatero.

ALERTA SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!Si no  heu vist ''El Coleccionista''hi ha spoiler pero si l'heu vist podeu llegir-ho.

There are theories that proposes Gabriel Agrest is Hawk Moth,but another theories proposes it isn't. A wrapped.
ALERT SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!If you haven't seen ''The Collector''you mustn't read this artical but,If you have see it yet  , you can read these.

No podria ser per la forma de la cara:
It could not be because the shape of the face:

Pero pot ser perque li pot canviar la forma de la cara quan es transforma igual que al seu fill,Adrien,el color dels ulls:

Could be, because he can change the shape of his face when he transforms himself like his son,Adrien,with the color of his eyes:

Si os heu fixat,Gabriel Agrest,sospita de que el seu fill és Cat Noir perquè te l'anell. Però si os fixeu,Gabriel Agrest té el mateix anell que Lepidoptero a la mateixa mà i al mateix dit.Com pot ser?

I've you see this,Gabriel Agrest,suspicious that Chat Noir is his son,Adrien. But,I've you see that Gabriel Agrest have the same ring that Hawk Moth, in the same hand, and in the same finger.How can it be?

Però, on té el prodigi?????Molta gent sempre diu que Gabriel Agrest no pot ser-ho perquè,no té el seu prodigi:El de la papallona.On el té amagat?????Sota el mocador que sempre porta.Es clar!!!!!!!!!!!!

But,where is the "miraculos"?????Many people say that Gabriel Agrest isn't Hawk Moth beacause,he haven't the "miracouls":The butterfly. Where is it????? Under the scarf that he always wears .Obiously!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fixeu-vos en la seva marca de roba:
Look at the brand of his dress :

Jo penso que Gabriel Agrest si és Lepidoptero.
I think Gabriel Agrest is Hawk Moth.

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